Angela Keady <>, Angela Keady
<>, Mark Pawson - Author
<> Cc: "Andrew Spieldenner Phd : Poz
Blog Writer" <>, "Doctor Mubashir Farooqi -
Patient: James Martin Driskill"
<>, "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson :
#Kramobone-The.Good" <>, Jennifer
Brehme <>, "Judge Wilfred John Schneider Jr (See
Truthfinder Report)" <>, "This is BAR
BUSINESS [ Attorney-Dale-Lee-Henderson@FuckedUpHuman.Net & perhaps
the judge named too ]" <>, "Dr. Jonathan Mermin :
I-Know-What-You-Did : I-Have-No-Hiv-Care-Doctor : #HivUntreatable :
Because Of Corrupt Doctors From Local To The Top ---
#ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP" <>, "Michael R.
Maynard : Client Advocate of James Driskill"
<>, Darrell Johnson
<>, Blythe Rayford
<>, tim <>, Time
To Clarify - Why The US Never Signed The CRPD from 2006
<>, Attorney Dale Henderson - Case#CIV DS 1921276
<>, "Bonnie @realuphuman:#Nsoromma-Guardianship
@gruwup Flippin - Administrative Supervisor : [
<>, chris berger
<>, "Barbara A. Thoensen"
<>, Sue Lowe - Digital Content Manager
Desert Aids Project <>, "Human First
Male Second Deputy Sherrif 3rd Terry @Gruwup Klinkhart"
<>, Catherine Meeks Phd - Executive Director
<>, Chief Executive Officer Darrell J
Vigil MBA <>, Maritza Tona
Exec Director FAP - 180° about face? <>, "from:
Deacon Steve Serembe" <>, "Dr. Isaac See"
<>, "Samuel Jesse Gruwup Pledged Lion Martinez :
#Kramobone-The.Good : Student#0001A Awesome!"
<>, "Chris : #Kramobone-The.Good
Student#0004 Awesome!" <>, "William Jamal
Wilson : First Lion Without Need Of Pledge : #Kramobone-The.Good
Student#0005 Awesome!" <>, "Sammie Francher
: First Knight Lion : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0002 Awesome!"
<>, TruthFinder Help
<>, Inland Empire HIV Planning Council
<>, "Jennifer Brehme - Director of Mental Heath
Program Embedded Within Scope and Purpose Of Informational Society
Mpatapo Trust Binding [ : : There is no OPT OUT Option of
this valid information society binding purpose and web presence --- AN
me : UN CRPD Standards -- OK" <>, "Info D.A.P."
<>,, Tes Kempner
<>, Lauren Fanning
<>, "Dr. Alexandra Levitt"
<>, "HP2030 (HHS/OASH)" <>,
Richard Thieme <>,,, "Jesse Milan, Jr., AIDS United"
<>, Jamie Villalobos
Melanie Yanez <>, Dr Zamani
Garllado <>, Rita Zeigler
<>, David Tapscott
<>, "#Timothy. Earl.Marable :
#Kramobone-The.Good Student#0003 Awesome!"
<>, Jim Whitescarver
<> |
Specifically To Author Mark Pawson:
have a special request of you. It is rather important to be the truth
beacon in the HIV Communities, local region to region. The
messaging on these matters have been derailed from the tracks. The
ignorance that induces this derailment of commons needs a
teleconference interface for the occurrence that happened within the
local establishment reach of the Colorado Health Network aka Denver
Colorado Aids Project.
Invited Special To
Attend A Teleconference Meeting to discuss what is the aftermath effect
of targeting the work project effort space of James Martin Driskill, an
adult consent through and practices school, where community messaging
was indeed already in efficiency output interactive listening. To
the date of the collapse, I had established a trust and respect holding
for 6 students + myself --- a total school learning and sharing
priority collective of 7. We were really on course for
The Awesome Kramobone Glows and Blows Playroom, Denver Colorado USA
Colorado Health Network, - Angela Elizabeth Keady, Case Manager,
- Darrell Virgil, CEO,
- Jamie-Villalobos, regional director - 2nd level top tier - Leadership Gone Wrong and Dumb,
- Doctor Nancy Ellen Madinger, UC Health, HIV Infectious Disease Control Department,
- Fadumo Adan, Case Manager No Longer Employed By CHN,
Foothill Aids Project,
- Jennifer Anne Brehme, Mental Health Program Director,
- Maritza Tona, CEO,
- Michael Ray Maynard, Case Manager,
- Bonnie Jean Flippin, County Interface Ryan White Care Act Admin,
- Doctor Eric Christopher Berger, 1st Attempt Resolve of Conspiracy Termination,
- Doctor Eric Tomomi Shigeno, HIV Provider Care, Borrego Health Care,
This plus --- if we can squeeze them in --- my 6 students of learning from the materials being created at the Awesome Kramobone Glows and Blows Playroom School, Denver Colorado
Lanier Joseph Rogers12423 Cricket St, Victorville, CA- Possible Traffic Violations
- Possible Criminal Records
- Social Media Found
- Owns a Toyota
NAMEFirst NameLanier Middle NameJoseph Last NameRogers BIRTH INFORMATIONAge35 Birth DateJanuary 23, 1984 Astrological SignAquariusCHECK RELATIONSHIP COMPATIBILITY
Sergeant Rogers, First Class? Second Class? Third Class? Ninth Class? You are out of your league Sir! I
am the responsible and legal owner of one of the most unique
cyber-identities to ever exist on this planet! I know I have it --
and I have it sound, secure, and with confidence devine, it is for a
purpose not yet you see the reasoning -- to put this into empowerment
magnified processing --- a trust ladder networking ideal. It is
live online since 2005 --- and the technology specs use something way
different than you have eve seen used before. You Sergeant Rogers have
some extra homework to do, and it better be placed with a fire up high
-- for Lions I am one and i will fuel that fire higher and higher --- I
demand that you see the light at the end of this dark tunnel that
establishment has caused --- the dark tunnel of perceptual blindness.
Resourceful I am --=- and never shall it be said creepy or wrong.
As a paying member of TruthFinder, there are sections in each report.
each of these sections is the opportunity to comment "custom" reasoning
text onto the subject matter of a n actual background check data
I see that you are a III --- Go Glory --- I was getting a bit confused to the established mixing of name referencing.
in case your father does not bump into this matter by Google search
outside of Truthfinder, the gem of the chat that holds dishonor onto
this network is placed to him first.
appears on each section --- members apply new meaning to cover-up -- no
more --- no more lies --- no more cheats --- no more secrets --- this
conspiracy terminates with written pledges and oaths to not engage in
this outrageous destruction of trust ever imagined and actually
Add a comment to the Personal Information Section of this report.
your ID coded report --- I have placed really profound writing onto the
matters at hand. You never had the intention to satisfy my
request --- to open and read the tweeter record between my account and yours. it is now a demand.
comment as it is showing in this email --- has been submitted to your
report. I don't exactly know how Truthfinder will handle it --- but I am
going to put into the affairs of energy to explain this rally fully
wisdom wide -- to bust your all brains to blurry bits.
is to blow you mindset of a dastardly rut --- the practice and the
habit has been your addiction. All addictions are the same....
drug chemical types are no more highly addictive and less controllable
than any other form of involvement addictions. That be arcade
games, food, shopping, wight training, and those horrid sets of numbers
in my mom's carry.
and your father by outside strong counsel are in a binding knot of
reconciliation. Since you think you can just ignore the
twitterverse of those tagged @SanBernardinoPD tweets that were
written wit good faith effort to break a communication barrier known as
an "Informational quarantine".
at customer support relations ticket closure -- this ticket cannot be
closed until the termination agreement accord of a conspiracy you all
have taken yourselves to new lowest of all low moral proclivity
--- time for something new!
James DJust Now Statement
Of Consideration Status -- -A Peace Agent Citizen Of The United States
Of America, Homosexual/Gay, Hiv Infected, Wiccan Wasted, Bipolar
Imbalanced Ready To Go Off Crazy, Sexual Deviant, Sinner Diseased
Spreading HIV/AIDS By Raw Sexual Acts-- OfTheDirty Loser ------ vs.
Sergeant Police Law Enforcement Lanier Joseph Rogers III, San
Bernardino Terrorist First Responder Award Recipient, Gang Expert -- The
Pillar of Holder Respect --- Nah --- Responsible perhaps, ignorant yes
---- A Black man Cop and a White Man's Plight From Hate. Nah, we won't
assign investigation resources for #StopGangStalking [ ] nor will authority assign pathway resource to #StopMassShooting [
] Deep -- Inside -- He's is a Write Off --And such white trash --- the
element of "t would b Indecent To God's word to help him --- Help Him
Any --- Sins So Bold -- James Martin Driskill Deserves To Die and Burn
In Hell --- #KillTheGays ] Tweet Thread Key Statement --- Status of The
Quo :
Replying to @Gruwup @SanBernardinoPD @BorregoHealth @BarbraStreisnad
@Linkedin You have already made your mind up -- a mental case --- and in
that, I will never have a chance at life --- you burden me with the
bonds of your prejudiced mindset --- how can I slap you silly to get you
out of your fucked up human rut! Good Day 8:23 PM · Oct 8, 2019·Twitter
Web App Top Tweet 1:
Thread Conversation #StopMassShooting : #9Scourges12Steps @Gruwup Every
Time there becomes the opportunity for silence to rule the
the priority of the day it does not address hatred mass shootings and
the solution at our reach, we personally hold responsibility for
the next blood letting. Truth hurts.. @SanBernardinoPD ------[ See
Closing Top Tweet Thread 2 -- End Of Address ] [ Sgt Lanier Joseph
Rogers III - San Bernardino Police Department ] : Message Directed To
Sgt Rogers Via Twitter [ @SanBernardinoPD : Open Full Tweet Thread &
Please Pardon The Tasks But Read Each Tweet Complete and Follow All
Provided Links. Links are SiteAdvisor Cleared: Safe To Browse:
TweetThread1: ------ According to the representation presented by the
San Bernardino Police department, his full title is Sergeant Lanier
Rogers who has a position standing here in the city in which I was born,
my hometown, on Sept 1st, 1965. That makes me 54 years old. What is
exactly happening here in a dimension of forced persecution factors that
involve a systemic problem of government-sponsored hate that is
embedded in at least my perspective into the rungs of a climb on your
own ladder of detached social services support that does not actually
service and function to provide foundational support system holding
members of the HIV infected community above the ability haters class
line to reach at and grab and kick me down and when I am low --- off my
pathway of attempting working successful wellness and healthy wellness
outcome in the pursuit of my inalienable rights of life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness --- [ however I define such mechanics f life,
dynamics of interpersonal friends, and how to separate oneself from the
haters that are given granted immunity to proceed to destroy the lives
of those who they target. In the scheme I am in, that would be the ones
they call the sinners of the dirty. They claim their moral superiority
that they are the other side of righteous. In that equation, they
deserve their space to do their God's truth --- and kill the gays ---
the scheme that seems to always default to see the connection that the
man, not the sergeant, dismisses the obvious presence of connections
proving conspiracy exposed. The man is a prevaricator [ one who does not
have upfront and real honesty at the surface of his intentions and
actions ]. I don't have enough sharing time with him yet -- it may or
may not mix into that presence of observed memetic patterns that I can
then find the association of pattern that can determine if the man
strides forward is leaving huge or tiny wakes session. Is he leaving
crumbs of minor residue that hardly matter, or is it worse, the wake of
discord, the actions he makes or directs of other are actually the
actions that I see surfacing once more --- the actions of the
Gangstalkers intention to destroy the man who has a solid mission of
peace ---every last element of my ability is focused on exposing this
conspiracy. In that, the federal law states that in the commission
violation of legal offense, the crime being committed under anti-gang
stalking legal definitions, human life is extinguished by the actions
and behaviors of these gang stalkers, such gang stalking activity is
escalated to the felony class of Murder! I made a statement that my
intention is so strong with my mother to expose and terminate this hate
conspiracy. What if I were to make a comparison commitment that success
in a different goal --- My goal here in metaphor is to actually
physically be placed on the moon. However that would be decisively
planned, to get int the click of politic, or get close to and befriend a
Nasa pal, or would I build a spacecraft from scratch, the science
learning, books and reading all prerequisites to ---- the commitment I
will be on the moon. I am going to break this hate conspiracy - it will
be terminated. The commitment to this challenge -- however mindfully
mapped away - will be charged to make my days filled up with a mission
and a goal. I will use any means possible to this goal that does not
break the barrier of consent [expressively or tacitly implied ]. The
Sergeant's silence in a Plato quote from a long time ago gives consent
to proceed against the silence in any peaceful methods at my reach. i am
very resourceful and quirky at times --- I am willing to break barriers
--- just over the edge -- to the pushing and enabling an action that
must be performed. Yes, if that action is legal one -- and they pursue
to not act, I have I then on my own accord. Social Pursuits of attention
and celebrity is absolutely not on my agenda at all. All I can say is
to the end of my life, please people please, have some dignity of your
own collective selves, please don't let me be the vision of horror,
bloody bits or bloody spills, the bloody mess that rots continuously in
the fucked-up human street. Any means necessary -- according to a recent
article read --- reach over to external contacts and get them involved
int your need of having a response of responsibility. On truthfinder,
there is already a set of things of people close to this disorder of
wartime always probable forever. Take yourself out of your simpleton
view --- open and watch this video: Crazy World Future Words -A Writing
Witt of Tacit consent -- When it is the Dysfunctional Silence Equation
being used to generate millions of billions oblivion. That outcome here
assumed to be at this point the intentioned endgame point of this person
assigned to this Background Check Report Lanier Joseph Rogers. That is
why this comment appears in the PERSONAL INFORMATION section. ----------
Awesome Kramobone Glows and Blows Playroom : Denver Colorado : United
States of America From his private meeting with President Obama to
giving the first-ever papal address before a joint session of Congress,
Pope Francis did not shy away from politics during his three-day stop in
Washington, D.C. (Julie Percha/The Washington Post) An excerpt from his
public address broadcast worldwide live to which this author here was
watching and listening to him intently . He said to the world to what I
agree has been a part of my missing portion of my mission work ideal - I
have no fix for this and I cannot totally be in this community work
alone. This is what he told or asked or advised us to do: ------ All of
us are quite aware of, and deeply worried by, the disturbing social and
political situation of the world today. Our world is increasingly a
place of violent conflict, hatred and brutal atrocities, committed even
in the name of God and of religion. We know that no religion is immune
from forms of individual delusion or ideological extremism. This means
that we must be especially attentive to every type of fundamentalism,
whether religious or of any other kind. A delicate balance is required
to combat violence perpetrated in the name of a religion, an ideology or
an economic system, while also safeguarding religious freedom,
intellectual freedom and individual freedoms. But there is another
temptation which we must especially guard against: the simplistic
reductionism which sees only good or evil; or, if you will, the
righteous and sinners. The contemporary world, with its open wounds
which affect so many of our brothers and sisters, demands that we
confront every form of polarization which would divide it into these two
camps. We know that in the attempt to be freed of the enemy without, we
can be tempted to feed the enemy within. To imitate the hatred and
violence of tyrants and murderers is the best way to take their place.
That is something which you, as a people, reject. Our response must
instead be one of hope and healing, of peace and justice. We are asked
to summon the courage and the intelligence to resolve today’s many
geopolitical and economic crises. Even in the developed world, the
effects of unjust structures and actions are all too apparent. Our
efforts must aim at restoring hope, righting wrongs, maintaining
commitments, and thus promoting the well-being of individuals and of
peoples. We must move forward together, as one, in a renewed spirit of
fraternity and solidarity, cooperating generously for the common good.
The challenges facing us today call for a renewal of that spirit of
cooperation, which has accomplished so much good throughout the history
of the United States. The complexity, the gravity and the urgency of
these challenges demand that we pool our resources and talents, and
resolve to support one another, with respect for our differences and our
convictions of conscience. ADINKRA WISDOM KNOT : #Nyansapo ADINKRA
Sender notified by Mailtrack 10/09/19, 03:06:12 PM ---- Top Tweet Thread
#StopMassShooting : #9Scourges12Steps @Gruwup @SanBernardinoPD ---
Media presentation on the Gruwup Peacebuilding Networking Ideal relevant
to these current affairs. You just dismiss me! The secret conspiracy to
disempower and degrade the quality of life for homosexuals living with
HIV/AIDS! #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP 8:41 AM · Oct 8, 2019·Twitter Web App
HIV community leadership has acted in true hate -- those who were
acting with raw mentality with multiple/group play time ways....They
deemed dirty and dangerous - spreading hiv across the community.
But that assertion is a lie, a scam, and untruth so bold, they can hate on us invisible; they are untouchable when the damage has really been undertaken by them!
Just an Excuse to Slut Around: gay and bisexual mens’ constructions of
HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) as a social problem Sociology of Health and Illness, 2018 Since
the 2012 FDA approval of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) as a
method to prevent HIV, its uptake among gay and bisexual men has been
met with conflict. Drawing on discussions of PrEP from focus groups with
gay and bisexual men in New York City (N = 5 groups, n = 32
participants), we sought to make meaning of the moral debate surrounding
the implementation of biomedical HIV prevention medications. Grounded
in the constructionist perspective on social problems, this case study
focus… Show more ▾ Bulk Download (3
8 Papers) ConclusionOne
of medical sociology’s main tasks has been to emphasise the various
ways health and illness are frequently impacted by political and
cultural factors that further complicate biomedical conditions (Brown
1995, Conrad and Barker 2010). HIV has historically been an illness
loaded with cultural meanings that have negatively impacted the ways we
as a society are able to diagnose, treat, and prevent its spread (Brown
1995, Giami and Perrey 2012). A constructionist approach reminds us that
how a problem is defined inevitably shapes the way we as a society
respond to it (Conrad and Barker 2010). So, while the cultural meanings
of stigmatised illness like HIV are significant, the cultural meanings
attributed to particular forms of preventing illnesses like HIV are
similarly significant. By studying the construction of PrEP as a social
problem, we were able to highlight how gay and bisexual men define what
they consider appropriate ways to prevent the spread of HIV. The micro
level social problems work performed by gay and bisexual men
demonstrates the influence subcultural norms and values regarding sexual
etiquette, sexual risk, and sexual responsibility have on perceptions of
biomedical prevention efforts. The conflicting constructions of
PrEP covered in this manuscript offer a window into some of the most
pressing cultural issues impacting HIV prevention efforts on a micro
level among gay and bisexual men. As HIV prevention efforts are social
interventions, future studies should focus on the ways advances in
pharmaceutical technologies interact and potentially clash with cultural
beliefs that construct symbolic boundaries between acceptable and
unacceptable sexual health practices. In addition to advances in
biomedical technologies, social action is required to combat the social
and cultural factors that persistently thwart efforts aimed at gaining
control over the HIV epidemic in the United States, particularly among
high risk populations like gay and bisexual men.
As a means to achieve such ends, public health organisations that design and disseminate HIV prevention messaging should strive to construct more inclusive definitions of sexual health practices in ways that seek to combat the stigma currently associated with those who make use of other prevention methods besides condoms.
Address for correspondence: Mark Pawson,City University of New York Graduate School and University Center –Sociology,New York,United States.E-mail:©2018 Foundation for the Sociology of Health & Illness 1400 Mark Pawson and Christian Grov -----
@Gruwup 2019: Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
Sender notified by
10/09/19, 08:20:14 PM
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